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visionary, 2 3, 28, 100, 141, 221 24, 91, 158 9, 160 4, 232,
vulgarity, 67, 138 234 5, 247, 277, 307 9, 320,
 Wellsian , 133, 135, 152, 239, 262, 322, 325
Academy, 13, 30, 70 4, 333 Bennett, Arnold, 13, 14, 16, 22, 24,
Academy and Literature, 90 3 30, 131 2, 154 6, 183, 195, 209,
Adelphi, 290 9, 324 9 244, 317, 318, 320, 326, 333;
Aeschylus, 251 Arnold Bennett and H.G.Wells,
Ahasuerus, 332 30, 131, 333; Books and Persons,
Aiken, Conrad, 275 6 154; Clay-hanger, 195; A Man
Akhnaton, 251 from the North, 13; The Old
Allen, Grant, 10; The Woman Who Wives Tale, 20
Did, 10 Bergonzi, Bernard, 29; The Early
American Mercury, 178, 282 5, 334 H.G.Wells, 29
Amery, L.S., 13 Berne Convention, 7
Anselm, 331 Besant, Walter, 40; The Inner House,
Anstey, F., 80 40
Antoniadi, M.E.M., 72 Bland, Hubert, 20, 146 7
Arabian Nights, The, 41 Bloch, Marc, 334
Archer, William, 13 Blunt, Frank, 14, 333
Aristotle, 284 Bookman, 58 60
Arnold, Matthew, 23, 37, 120, 123, Bookman (New York), 216 19, 333
231, 233, 234, 235 Borges, Jorge Luis, 28, 330 2;  El
Associated Press, 69 Primer Wells , 330 2
Athenaeum, The, 6, 30, 51 2, 57, Boston Post, 8
67, 248 54 Boswell, James, 171
Atlantic Monthly, 12, 30, 201 2, Bougainville, Louis Antoine de, 98
275 6 Bourne, Randolph, 239 43
Austen, Jane, 314 British Broadcasting Corporation, 1
British Weekly, 21, 30
Bacon, Francis, 118, 119, 331n.; Brontë, Charlotte, Jane Eyre, 200
New Atlantis, 114 Brooks, Van Wyck, 18, 23, 223 30,
Bacon, Roger, 316 231; The World of H.G.Wells, 23,
Balzac, Honoré de, 131 223
Barrie, J.M., 17, 77 Browning, Robert, 148;  Childe
Bellamy, Edward, 118 Roland , 168;  Mr. Sludge the
Belloc, Hilaire, 25, 332 Medium , 148
Benn, Ernest, Ltd, 310 Butler, Samuel, 312
Cabet, Etienne, 118 Davray, Henry D., 7, 99
Calendar of Modern Letters, 26,
Defoe, Daniel, 10, 17, 54, 55, 63,
299 307
227; A Journal of the Plague Year,
Campanella, 118
10, 54, 64; Robinson Crusoe, 227
Canby, Henry Seidel, 334
Degas, Edgar, 177
Carlyle, Thomas, 77
Demant, 321
Caudwell, Christopher, Studies in a
Demosthenes, 214
Dying Culture, 27, 334
Dent, J.M., 5
Cellini, Benvenuto, 184
Dial, 14, 127 8, 239 43
Cervantes, Miguel de, Don Quixote,
Dickens, Charles, 6, 8, 15, 17, 26,
77, 126, 128, 143, 148, 178, 179,
Chaveau, 73
269, 301, 325, 332; David
Chesterton, G.K., 2, 13, 103 9, 167,
Copperfield, 148, 180, 200
319, 325; Heretics, 103 9
Dictionary of National Biography, 74
Chicago Evening Post, 189 94
Diderot, Denis, 77, 98, 334
Churchill, Winston, 4, 319, 321
Dixon, Lovat, H.G.Wells: His
Clarion, 16, 30, 203
Turbulent Life and Times, 30
Clark, Ward, 216 19
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 298
Clarke, I.F., Voices Prophesying War,
Du Maurier, George, 68, 69; The
Martian, 68
Colum, Mary, 277 81
Columbus, Christopher, 255
Easton Glebe, 24
Comstock, Anthony, 191
Conrad, Joseph, 1, 11, 16, 60; Al- Edison, Thomas, 316, 317
mayer s Folly, 60; Life and Eliot, George, 15, 17, 126
Letters, 60; The Secret Agent, 60 Eliot, T.S., 319 22
Cook, A.J., 289 Ellis, Havelock, 13, 94 8; Views and
Cook, Captain, 98
Reviews, 94
Corelli, Marie, 69
Encyclopedia Britannica, 124
Cosmopolitan Magazine, 14, 131,
English Journal, 334
English Review, 6, 7, 16, 30, 181,
Cowley, Malcolm, 27, 29
Criterion, 334
L Ermitage, 99
Critic, 9, 14, 30, 68 9
Erskine, Lord, 118
Cross, Wilbur, 334
Everyman, 333
Cust, Harry, 5
Cyrano de Bergerac, 330
Fabian News, 16, 110 12, 140 1
Fabian Society, 3, 13, 16, 20, 88,
Daedalus, 119
112, 146, 150, 158, 279 80
Daily Chronicle, 38 9, 80 1, 146 7
Field, 19, 30
Daily Express, 15, 30
Fielding, Henry, 185
Daily Mail, 1
Filon, Augustin, 14, 54 6, 100 1
Daily News, 15, 30, 122 25, 183 6
Flammarion, Camille, 69
Daily News and Leader, 211 14
Flaubert, Gustave, 18
Daily Telegraph, 78 80, 147 50
Ford, Ford Madox, see Hueffer, Ford
Dandieu, Arnaud, 334
Darius, 250
Ford, Henry, 318
Darwin, Charles, 55, 92, 120, 284
Forster, E.M., 248 54, 313; Aspects Herodotus, 250, 251
of the Novel, 248; Howards End, Hertwig, Oscar, 45
20 Hiero, 252
Fortnightly Review, 6, 85, 91, 320, Holms, John, 26, 299 307
321 Homer, 119, 216, 312
France, Anatole, 290 Horace, 234
Frankenstein, 9, 48 Horrabin, J.F., 254
Freewoman, 203 8 Howells, W.D., 15, 128 31
Friends of Egypt, 168 Hueffer, Ford Madox (Ford Madox
Ford), 16, 17, 18, 23, 334;
Galsworthy, John, 24, 185, 244, 308; Mightier than the Sword, 334
The Man of Property, 20 Hulme, T.E., 23
Galton, Francis, 96 Hutton, R.H., 8, 34 7, 46 8
General Strike, 308 Huxley, Aldous, 28
Ghéon, Henri, 14, 99 100 Huxley, Julian, 26, 29
Gide, André, 99 Huxley, T.H., 10, 43, 58, 59, 143,
Gissing, George, 1, 12, 80, 81 312
Goethe, Wolfgang von, 284, 332 Hynes, Samuel, The Edwardian Turn
Golding, William, 28 of Mind, 30
Goncourt, Edmond de, 177
Gorki, Maxim, 173 Ibsen, Henrik, 13, 215
Gosse, Edmund, 10, 58 Illustrated London News, 58
Gourmont, Rémy de, 252 3 Independent Review, 112 17
Graphic, 62 Inge, Dean, 253
Graves, Charles L., 151 3
Gregory, R.A., 74 6 James, Henry, 1, 4, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18,
Grey, Lord, 13 22, 26, 126 7, 128, 199 200,
Gribble, Francis, 333 325, 333; Henry James and
Guardian, 52 3 H.G.Wells, 199; Letters, 126 7,
Guérin, Maurice de, Le Centaure, 199, 209; Notes on Novelists,
101 333; The Turn of the Screw, 9;
Guest, Leslie Haden, 16, 140 1 What Maisie Knew, 178;  The
Younger Generation , 22, 209,
Hackett, Francis, 22, 189 94; 333
Horizons, 189 Jerome, Jerome K., Three Men in a
Haeckel, Ernst, 143 Boat, 312
Haggard, H.Rider, 9, 45 Job, 332
Haldane, R.B., 13 John O London s Weekly, 160
Hardy, Thomas, 10, 43, 58, 59, 143, Johnson, Samuel, 171
312; Jude the Obscure, 10; Tess Journal des Débats, 100 1
of the d Urbervilles, 278 Jowett, Benjamin, 120
Harper and Bros, 6 Joyce, James, 21, 24
Harris, Frank, 5, 16, 26, 330 Jung, C.G., 278, 285
Harrison, Frederic, 25, 334 Justice, 168
Hegel, G.W.F., 331
Heinemann, W., 5, 45 Kahn, Otto, 280
Henley, W.E., 5 Kepler, Johann, 68
Hephaestus, 119 Keun, Odette, 334
Keynes, J.M., 26, 285 90, 300, 316 Maupassant, Guy de, 19
Kipling, Rudyard, 5, 9, 77, 133, 202, Mayor, R., 112 17
303, 312 Mencken, H.L., 14, 19, 25, 26, 178
Kirchwey, Freda, 27, 307 9 80, 282 5, 334;  The Late Mr.
Wells , 25, 282, 334
Labour Party, 16 Mercure de France, 333, 334
Lane, John, 5, 7 Mercure de France (publishers), 325 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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