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did he call?
 Calm down, Wednesday.
 No, I won t calm down!
 You shouldn t be getting all excited in your condition.
 Fuck my condition. Why did he call?
 To talk to me. That s all. Just to chat, okay?
 Why? What on earth could you possibly chat about with him?
He made a face.
 What do you have to discuss with Vincent?
He sighed heavily.  You. Okay? You. He calls to talk about you.
 He calls? He s called before?
 He calls me a lot actually.
 You never told me. You never once told me he called.
 The reason for that, Wednesday, is that I didn t want you to know.
156 Annabel Joseph
 You didn t think I had a right to know?
 No, I didn t and I don t! And I can decide not to tell you whatever I fucking
 Oh, that s right. She picked angrily at the food on her plate.  I m only your
fucking possession, your sex toy who s not even good for that now.
He threw down his fork.  Why do you care so much? Are you still in love with
him? Do you want to go back to him?
 No, I m just wondering why 
 Why? Why I didn t tell you? Because I hate him. I think he s an ass. You re
mine now, not his. I don t want you to care if he calls or not. It s not important. Let
it go.
They both sat and fumed. She didn t know why she couldn t let it drop.
 What do you tell him about me?
He looked at her a long time, not speaking. He seemed defensive and guilty.
 What do you tell him when he calls?
 I tell him how you re doing, he said.  That s all, Wed.
She took a deep breath.  Why?
 Because that s what I agreed to do.
She felt like she d been punched in the chest. She crossed her arms
defensively.  What you agreed to do when?
He looked like he would have given anything not to answer, but he did.
 When he broke up with you, so that you could start dating me. He sighed
again, another great exhalation.  Okay, now are you happy? What else do you want
to know? Ask me everything, damn it, because I don t ever want to discuss this
 So you& So he& 
Owning Wednesday 157
 He broke up with you to give you to me. In return, I agreed to keep him
informed about you.
 It s not what it sounds like. It s not nearly as bad as it sounds 
 Isn t it? The two of you wheeled and dealed for me?
 No! I never 
 You bought me from him for the price of these phone calls?
 What do you tell him? What did you agree to tell him? What we do together?
 No, only& how you re doing. If you re happy. If you re healthy. He just wanted
to keep track of how you are.
 Keep track, huh? That s lovely. Why didn t you two just go ahead and keep
sharing me? Isn t that what you re doing anyway?
 You give him reports on me? Regularly?
 It s not like that. Wed, come on. Don t freak out. He misses you. He s happy
you re happy. Why are you so mad?
When he reached for her, she stood and backed away.  All this time I thought I
was free of him, that I had left him behind. All this time he s been more in control of
me than ever. He s controlled everything. All of this!
 I control you, Wed! Not him.
 He controlled you, she said, bursting into tears.  He talked you into taking
 No! He stood and came at her then.  No, you have no idea he didn t talk me
into anything 
 That night you came over, she sobbed.  It was an audition, wasn t it? A
fucking audition 
158 Annabel Joseph
 Stop! You get ahold of your mouth. You calm down and think about what
you re saying.
 Vincent set up all of this. Our great love& 
 No, he didn t. No.
 You don t know him. You don t know how he is! You don t know how he gets
off on this controlling me, controlling you, controlling everything 
 Yes, I do! I do know, Wednesday. Believe me, I know, but I went along with it
for you, so I could have you, so he would break up with you and let you come to me.
 Everything, all of it, a setup.
 No. I took you because I wanted you, not because Vincent wanted me to. I
watched you from the café across from your work for weeks.
 What are you talking about?
 Vincent approached me about taking you on, but it was after! Long after I d
fallen for you.
She took a step back, her hands in fists. What was he talking about?  Long
after? When did you 
 When did I fall in love with you? The first minute we met. The first second. I
fell in love with you the night of March twenty-ninth. When did I strike up a deal
with him for you? Ten days later. I would have done anything to have you. I still
would. I always will.
He reached for her, but she backed away again. She was almost to the damn
birch tree.
 Look, sit down, baby. It s not good for you to get all excited in your condition.
 My condition, she said with derision.  Did Vincent tell you to knock me up?
Daniel rubbed his eyes.  If you keep saying that that I knocked you up so
help me, Wednesday.
 Well, you did!
Owning Wednesday 159
 You re the one who forgot to take the fucking pill! I don t think Vincent had
anything to do with that!
 And you re the one who wouldn t wait! Who wouldn t go back to using
condoms even though I told you I d missed a dose.
He made a growling sound that scared her.  I swear to God, if you don t
Jesus. You re having a fucking baby, Wednesday. He waved his arms at her belly. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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