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given the buttons only so that she could inform her grandson of the gift.
But why?
Everything the old lady did seemed to stem from some evil intent, and Lorna
decided once and for all that she was leaving her employ.
Katie was by the side entrance to the house when Lorna arrived there.
'She's in a terrible mood,' whispered the maid conspiratorially. 'Mr Craig's
been here and there was an unholy row. He stalked out looking black as
thunder. I don't envy you, Miss Woodrow, having to go in there!'
Lorna looked at her intently, wondering if the girl had heard anything
Jeannie had said; she would not put it past her to listen at doors. However,
there was no sign that she had overheard anything and Lorna left her, going
to her room first, then to that of her employer. The old lady was seated in a
straight- backed chair, an erect formidable figure, stern of feature with pale
hard eyes that instantly challenged those that looked into them. Without
preamble Lorna said, throwing the string of buttons on to a couch,
'There's your present, Mrs Lamond. And you can take my notice at the same
time.' Lorna's mouth was set in a determined line, for although she had no
idea where she would go, she fully intended leaving here.
'I'd like to leave as soon as possible & ' Her voice trailed, drawn to a stop by
the old woman's sudden slump in the chair, the way she fluttered a hand to
her face, the sudden uncontrollable shaking of her thin gaunt body. 'Mrs
Lamond! You're ill!'
'Get me on to the sofa,' the old lady gasped, fighting for breath. 'Give me one
of my tablets. It's it's another attack.'
'Yes yes, of course.' Used as she was to moving people, Lorna found her
employer to be a dead weight, and was forced to go out into the hall and call
for help. It was Katie who appeared it was bound to be, thought Lorna
grimly. 'I need help with Mrs Lamond, Katie. She's had a heart attack.'
'Heart attack?' There was a scoffing note in the maid's voice, but Lorna was
too concerned to notice it.
'Help me to get her on to the couch.' Lorna hurried over to it and picked up
the buttons, but not before Katie had spotted them. The girl had eyes like a
hawk, thought Lorna, glancing into her robust, highly-coloured face.
'There, that's better.' Katie's strength was incredible. She almost did all the
weight-lifting on her own. 'She's not lost any colour, has she?' Katie looked
critically at her, a half-sneer on her lips. 'Are you feeling better, madam?' she
asked swiftly as she caught Mrs Lamond's expression. 'You must be careful,
now,' added Katie soothingly, 'or you'll knock yourself up. Perhaps it was
the excitement of seeing Mr Craig?'
The pale old eyes glinted.
'Why should I be excited at seeing my grandson, Katie?' she asked.
'Well, madam, I must be honest and admit that I heard your voices raised.
Quarrelling isn't good for one, madam, and you ought to keep calm.'
'I ought to sack you, my girl. I don't know why I keep you on!'
Katie looked down, clasping her hands in front of her.
'No offence meant, madam,' she said humbly. 'I was only anxious for your
welfare just as we all are, madam.'
'Anxious, eh? Are you sure you're not anxious for me to die?'
'Oh, madam!' exclaimed the maid, horrified. 'How can you say such things!
We're all devoted to you, and--'
'All right,' testily and with a feeble wave of a hand. 'Clear off. I'll ring when
I want you.'
Katie went, her face turned away both from her employer and Lorna. Lorna
would have given anything to see it.
IMMEDIATELY after the departure of the girl Mrs Lamond revived and Lorna
realised at once that there had been no heart attack at all. Katie had known it,
but she had not known the reason for Mrs Lamond's feigning the attack. She
was sitting up on the couch when Lorna said, scorn in her voice and glance,
'It won't work, Mrs Lamond. I am not accepting any presents whatsoever
from you, so you're wasting your time and energy in behaviour of this
The pale eyes glinted almost savagely and yet again Lorna was reminded of
the barbarians who were this woman's ancestors.
'You gave me your notice! That's what brought on the attack. I can't do
without you!'
'You don't need me,' argued Lorna, staring directly at her.
'I do, girl! Little you know just how much! You can't leave me now you
'Oh, and why?' The mystery again, and Lorna felt that this might be an
opportunity of gaining some knowledge regarding it.
'Because I've got used to you! I hate change it's not good for a person of
my age.' Mrs Lamond's voice changed and she was almost pleading as she
added, 'Stay with me, dear. I do need you.'
Lorna hesitated, her thoughts first on the problems facing her should she
throw herself out of work, but then wandering into forbidden zones& And
Craig He was angry, but she would explain how she came to accept the
gift and he would surely understand. Would he forget the whole thing and
resume their fast-growing friendship?
'You told your grandson that I'd accepted those buttons,' she said at last.
'Why did you?'
It was the old woman's turn to hesitate, and as she watched her with a keen [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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