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talking about.
 You don t speak our tongue? the duchess queried.
Der snorted.  Obviously not, but I m perplexed why you would expect me to.
 Then you don t know.
 I already said that.
 No. An awkward silence floated in the air.  Do you not know your heritage?
 Yes, I do. My family s from Riversbridge.
The graceful elf said softly,  You are part elven, one sixteenth, which isn t much at all,
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but most other people like you still at least know the language. That means one of your great-
great grandparents was one of us.
Der s eyes shot wide, and she retreated at step, only to trip over a root and fall hard on
her tailbone. She didn t notice. She gaped up at the judges.  That s not amusing.
  Tis the truth.
She fired her gaze to Kelin, who was just as shocked as she was. He offered her a hand
 Not true, she muttered, reaching for her head.  I have rounded ears.
 With noticeable, well, notches, and you have the cheekbones, Jakkobb said
awkwardly.  Push your hair back.
She complied. The back top corner of her ear actually was slightly pointed, but the ear
still rounded over it. It wasn t noticeable unless someone knew specifically what to look for.
She ran a finger over them, but felt nothing special.
Kelin offered a sympathetic smile.  It s not a bad thing, Der.
 Then why didn t Ka  the prince say anything?
Sir Amthros shrugged.  Many potential reasons. Possibly because the way your hair is
and his recent trauma, that could ve clouded his mind.
Duke Farallon threw up his hands.  So much for protocol. I suppose now it is discourse.
We are still having a trial here, my lords and ladies.
Sir Jakkobb nodded stiffly.  Yes, we are. Now, I would like to hear the details of how
they engineered their escape. That is the most elusive part of their tale for me.
Der still rubbed the tips of her ears.  What? Oh, right.
Kelin glanced down and around. The impact of the question took him back in time. He
would have been a journeyman blacksmith. The chemmen would still be a myth. He looked
back up to the knight with red-ringed eyes.  They tortured us. We didn t know where the other
was, and I don t know how long& and they tortured us. They took my teeth. He grabbed his
chest over his lung. Starting to wheeze, he stuttered,  And then, this chemman came and
picked me up and then there was Der out in the corridor& and we ran.
 So, the young Saxen met this mysterious chemman savior first? the red knight mused.
Der nodded.  Aye. My tormentors had returned, and I, she petered out for the moment.
She looked back up at the judges.  I killed them. I think I threw a bottle of acid into one s face 
I m not sure. Then, the chemman  the one who helped us  just showed up and saved us. He
led us to the outside, and there was Laurel.
 Oh, right, they just escaped! the duke exclaimed.  Does anyone honestly believe this?
Sir Jakkobb shrugged.  Is that all? Did he even give you a name? Or did Laurel?
They muted shook their heads. He had just been the chemman that had aided them.
Apparently, that had a bigger impact than they thought.
 Were there any sentry or guards that he instructed you to avoid?
 Well, there was one. I killed him, Der said.
Kelin held out his hands.  And, then, when we were hiding in the forest.
 Why were you not recaptured by the storm-readers? the duchess asked.
 I don t know, my lady.
Der frowned.  I remember Laurel saying something about asking the forest to hide us,
but I don t fully understand what she meant.
 Forest sanctuary, the strawberry blond elf sang.  If she hadn t been expecting any
All Things Impossible Crown of the Realm Dalton 98
humans, she would have simply asked the forest to obscure them from chemmen. Not mortals,
which would explain how the cultists got through.
 I still don t believe it, Farallon snarled.  They re not even wounded as if they d been
 Come now, my lord duke, intoned the duchess,  Healing salves have saved many a
mortal wound.
He snorted.  Perhaps, wife, but they do not behave as if they d been tortured. I ve seen
the results of what the chemmen have done to men  good, strong, seasoned warriors. People
who have survived the chemmen are afraid of their own shadows, and yet, these two mortals
walk away smiling!
 I am not smiling! Der balled a fist and stepped forward. She tottered. There were dark
circles beneath her eyes and she seemed paler than before.  I am in pain and I am dying. She
suddenly found herself struggling to stand. Her wounds felt like they had been dipped in acid
once again.  And I choose to face it on my feet.
The duke shook his head furiously.  Don t you see it? They were made to escape.
They re agents of the chemmen.
Sir Amthros raised his hand.  Perhaps, but they appear not to know. If they are [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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