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city stad stat
electricity elektriciteit ey·lek·tree·see·teyt
het (the). Every Dutch noun needs to be learned with its defi nite article (de or het). Only in archaic forms is the
clean a schoon skhoon
elevator lift lift
distinction between masculine and feminine still relevant, so we ve only indicated the neuter nouns with Ý$ after
closed gesloten khuh·sloh·tuhn
email e-mail ee·meyl
the translation. We ve also used the symbols Ã$/·$ for some words which are different in the Netherlands and
coffee koffie ko·fee
embassy ambassade am·ba·saa·duh
Belgium respectively.
coins muntstukken Ý$ pl munt·stu·kuhn
emergency noodgeval Ý$ noht·khuh·val
cold a koud kawt
English (language) Engels Ý$ eng·uhls
behind achter akh·tuhr
collect call collect call ko·lekt kawl
entrance ingang in·khang
Belgian a Belgisch bel·khis
come komen koh·muhn
evening avond aa·vont
Belgium België bel·khee·yuh
computer computer kom·pyoo·tuhr
accident ongeval Ý$ on·khuh·val
exchange rate wisselkoers wi·suhl·koors
bicycle fiets feets
condom condoom Ý$ kon·dohm
accommodation accommodatie a·koh·moh·daa·see
exit n uitgang öyt·khang
big groot khroht
contact lenses contaktlenzen kon·takt·len·zuhn
adaptor adapter a·dap·tuhr
expensive duur dewr
bill rekening rey·kuh·ning
cook v bereiden be·rey·duhn
address n adres Ý$ a·dres
express mail exprespost eks·pres·post
black zwart zwart
cost n kost kost
after na naa
eye oog Ý$ ohkh
blanket deken dey·kuhn
credit card kredietkaart krey·deet·kaart
air-conditioned met airconditioning
blood group bloedgroep bloot·khroop
cup tas tas
met eyr·kon·dee·shuh·ning
blue blauw blaw
currency exchange wisselkantoor Ý$ wi·suhl·kan·tohr
airplane vliegtuig Ý$ vleekh·töykh
boat boot boht
customs (immigration) douane doo·waa·nuh
airport luchthaven lukht·haa·vuhn
far ver ver
book (make a reservation) v reserveren
alcohol alcohol al·koh·hol
fast snel snel
all a alle a·luh
father vader vaa·duhr
bottle fles fles
allergy allergie a·ler·khee
film (camera) film film
bottle opener flesopener fles·oh·puh·nuhr
dangerous gevaarlijk khuh·vaar·luhk
ambulance ambulance am·bew·lans
finger vinger ving·uhr
boy jongen yong·uhn
date (time) datum daa·tum
and en en
first-aid kit verbandkist vuhr·bant·kist
brakes (car) remmen re·muhn
day dag dakh
ankle enkel eng·kuhl
first class eerste klas eyr·stuh klas
breakfast ontbijt Ý$ ont·beyt
delay n vertraging vuhr·traa·khing
arm arm arm
fish n vis vis
broken (faulty) stuk stuk
dentist tandarts tan·darts
ashtray asbak as·bak
Flanders Vlaanderen vlaan·duh·ruhn
bus bus bus
depart vertrekken vuhr·tre·kuhn
ATM pin-automaat/geldautomaat Ã$/·$
Flemish (language) Vlaams Ý$ vlaams
business zaken zaa·kuhn
pin·aw·toh·maat/khelt·aw·toh·maat diaper luier löy·yuhr
Flemish a Vlaams vlaams
buy kopen koh·puhn
dictionary woordenboek Ý$ wohr·duhn·book
food eten Ý$ ey·tuhn
dinner avondeten Ý$ aa·vont·ey·tuhn
foot voet voot
direct rechtstreeks rekh·streyks
fork vork vork
dirty vuil vöyl
baby baby bey·bee free (of charge) gratis khraa·tis
café eethuisje Ý$/taverne Ã$/·$
disabled gehandicapt khuh·han·dee·kapt
back (body) rug rukh French (language) Frans Ý$ frans
backpack rugzak rukh·zak discount n korting kor·ting
friend vriend/vriendin Ü$/Õ$ vreend/vreen·din
camera fototoestel Ý$ foh·toh·too·stel
bad slecht slekht doctor dokter dok·tuhr
fruit fruit Ý$ freyt
camping ground camping kem·ping
bag tas tas double bed dubbel bed Ý$ du·buhl bet
full vol vol
camp site kampeerplaats kam·peyr·plaats
baggage claim bagage afhalen ba·khaa·zhuh af·haa·luhn double room tweepersoonskamer funny grappig khra·pikh
cancel annuleren a·new·ley·ruhn
bank bank bangk twey·puhr·sohns·kaa·muhr
can opener blikopener blik·oh·puh·nuhr
bar bar bar drink n drinken dring·kuhn
car auto aw·toh
bathroom badkamer bat·kaa·muhr drive v rijden rey·duhn
cash n baar geld Ý$ baar khelt
drivers licence rijbewijs Ý$ rey·buh·weys
battery batterij ba·tuh·rey cash (a cheque) v (een cheque) innen (uhn shek) i·nuhn German (language) Duits Ý$ döyts
beautiful mooi mohy cell phone mobiele telefoon/GSM Ã$/·$ drugs (illicit) drugs drukhs gift cadeau Ý$ ka·doh
bed bed Ý$ bet moh·bee·luh tey·ley·fohn/khey·es·em dummy (pacifier) fopspeen fop·speyn girl meisje Ý$ mey·shuh
beer bier Ý$ beer centre n centrum Ý$ sen·truhm Dutch (language) Nederlands Ý$ ney·duhr·lants glass (drinking) glas Ý$ khlas [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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