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from drying out, because that is really what
arm levitation process. This technique can
causes blinking. You blink to moisten the
be used as a suggestibility test or as an
eyeballs because the fluid keeps evaporating
induction. As a suggestibility test, the
from them. Now, also, just as in the arm
subject's eyes are open and trance has not
levitation, time your numbers in response to
been induced. As a deepening technique,
what you see happening in the subject's eyes.
hypnosis has already been induced. The
When you say, Five - eyelids heavy,
subject is either stretched out on their back,
droopy, drowsy and sleepy, you may see
an a couch or an a bed, or seated in a
that you just don't feel any quality of
comfortable chair, with their hands an their
response. Then stretch out your suggestion a
thighs, palms facing downward. And you
little bit. You say, Five - eyelids heavy,
begin like this:
droopy, drowsy and sleepy, your eyelids fee/
so heavy. Four - your heavy lids begin to
feel as though they're getting ready to close.
Spoken To Subject
Three - the very next time they blink, that is
Focus on your right hand. Note the feel
hypnosis coming on you then. Now,
of the fabric your hand is resting on. Now
suddenly, you sea them beginning to blink
note the temperature of your right hand. Is it
and then you say, And now they begin
hot? Cool? Compare it with your left hand.
closing, closing, and you pick up the
Is your left hand exactly the same, or can
tempo. Develop your pattern, your tempo,
you perceive a difference? Now note The feeling is spreading around beneath the
whether the palm of your right hand is moist fingernails. Number Three - It is moving up
or dry. Compare that to your left hand. Now to the first joint of the fingers. Number Four
become aware of the pulse in your right Spreading to the large knuckle across the
hand. Focus on the beating of your heart as it back of the hand. Number Five - the first
pulses in the hollow at the base of your slight movements begin to start taking place.
thumb. Slight movements of the fingers, a twitching
of the muscles.
I'm going to count from one up to
twenty. As I do, a light, easy, pleasant Number Six - The light sensation
feeling moves into your right hand and into spreads all across the back of your hand.
your right arm. As I continue counting, that Number Seven - Spreading over and into
feeling grows stronger and stronger. Soon your thumb. Number Eight - Moving now all
you'll feel the first slight movement of your through the palm of your hand. Number
Fingers, a twitching of the muscles. Then Nine - The light sensation spreads up and
your hand begins to lift. Your arm begins to into your wrist. Think of your left hand now.
lift. It continues moving, lifting, and rising You'll see by comparison, your left hand is
until it comes to rest upon your body. beginning to feel very, very heavy. While on
Number Ten your right hand grows lighter
and lighter with each number I count; just as
light as a feather floating in the breeze and
even lighter. As light as a gas-filled balloon.
Now, at this point, take hold of the
Just as a gas filled balloon will rise and float
subject's wrist and as you say Your hand
towards the ceiling, in the same way, by the
begins to lift, slowly begin to lift it. Your
time I reach the count of twenty, your right
arm begins to lift, continue lifting it. Until
hand is moving, lifting, rising and floating.
it comes to rest upon your body, move it
over slowly and bring it down to rest upon
Number Eleven - The light sensation has
their body. That is called a muscle
moved beyond your wrist now, spreading
rehearsal. It lets the subject know exactly
into your forearm. Number Twelve, Thirteen
what is expected. Then place the hand down
- Once again, think of your left hand. Your
alongside their body again, with the palm
left hand has grown so heavy, it feels as
facing downward and the fingers limply
though it were made of marble or stone.
outstretched. Then take up from where you
Number Fourteen - That light sensation is
left off. You left off by saying, Until your
spreading up toward your elbow. Now on
hand comes to rest upon your body.
Fifteen - From the fingertips all the way up
to the elbow your hand has grown light, light
and free. It's beginning to lift. It's moving,
Spoken to Subject
lifting, rising, and floating.
Now when you feel the movement in
your hand and in your arm, don't try to resist.
You could resist if you chose to, that is not
why you are here. Just let your subconscious
Now, at this point, you must gauge your
mind do its perfect work. All right, now we
suggestion to the kind of movement you are
are ready to begin. Number One - The first
getting. Sometimes you'll begin to see the
light, easy sensation moves into the
first twitching movements in the fingers and
fingertips of your right hand. Number Two -
in the muscles on the third or fourth or fifth number one. The second part of the
count. Sometimes you'll have to go to ten or suggestion is and find them locking tighter
twelve or fifteen. If you see that you are not and tighter. So it really means, I want you
getting a response, stretch out the to make an unsuccessful effort to open your
suggestions between your numbers and eyelids, but I really want you to shut them
count more slowly. If, however, they're more tightly closed when you make the
responding rapidly, then speed up the tempo effort. Now, back to the suggestion to the
of your counting to keep pace with the speed subject:
their arm is lifting.
Spoken to Subject
Spoken to Subject
All right now, try and satisfy yourself
All right, Sixteen - Now your arm is that your eyelids are indeed locked tightly
moving and lifting and rising. And as your closed. That's fine. Stop trying. Relax and go
arm is lifting, you're going deeper and deeper into hypnosis.
deeper into hypnosis.
Seventeen - Your hand continues
moving, lifting and rising now until it comes
Now again at this point it is very
to rest over on your body. Eighteen -
important that you don't try to satisfy
Moving, lifting, rising, floating. Right on
yourself. Your purpose is to satisfy the
over now and when your hand comes to rest
subject. Don't say, Try harder, harder than
upon your body, at that time your eyelids
that. Oh, surely, you're not trying hard
lock tightly closed. Your eyelids lock so
enough. All they need to do is either make
tightly closed at that point, the more you try
some kind of muscular effort to open the
to open them the tighter they're locking
eyelids or allow about three seconds to go by
without opening the eyelids. That is
Nineteen - Your hand is getting ready to
sufficient time to gain the realization that
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